Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Unpack, laundry, repack

Planning for a month away on the road is complicated.

We've done all kinds of crazy travel, but this might be the craziest yet. After being away for two weeks at camp, we unpacked all four of us, did 8 loads of laundry, trimmed some seriously overgrown hair, paid all of the bills for the next month, shopped (with great joy!) at Campmor, bought non-perishables for camping and driving needs, acquired 10 (!) books on CD to listen to in the car, purchased 5 new movies for the portable DVD player, got Lys a pedicure (bright purple :) ), did all the summer homework, got the mail, held the mail for the next month, mowed the lawn, made a 359 song travel mix on the I-Pod, did some other necessary housework-- and that's all in just 48 hours!

Tomorrow, we have to pack for this wonderfully complex trip.

Here's how it's shaping up so far:

8 nights in Chicago area
1 night in Minneapolis, MN
2 nights near Mt. Rushmore in Rapid City, SD
1 night in Cody, WY
1 night camping in Yellowstone
1 night in Spokane, WA
6 nights in Portland, OR
2 nights in Canon Beach, OR
1 night in Boise, ID
1 night in Salt Lake City
2 nights in Aspen, CO
1 night in Lincoln, NE
2 nights in Chicago

I'm so psyched!

1 comment:

  1. so happy to see Aspen on that list! When do you think you'll be here???
