Thursday, June 10, 2010

What it feels like to know the farm

It's only been 11 days, and three of those were on the pilgrimage, but I thpink we're all beginning to feel like we know the farm better and better. We know where things are, more or less; we know how to harvest everything when we need to; we know how to prep it for the CSA and for the farmers market.

We know how to seed, pot up, plant, and weed without further instruction. Pretty amazing!

Now it's time that we can pay closer attention to the plants themselves-- get to know what is plant and what is weed-- get to know what weeds grow around what plants. We're getting to know the various bugs that are attracted to each plant, and which ones are beneficial and which ones are pests.

Today was dry and warm-- a nice change from rainy cool yesterday, and it felt like the farm really came alive after some much needed precipitation.

We're definitely all looking forward to Shabbat; I'll be spending time in D.C. with my cousin Debbie, which should be so much fun, and then Sunday morning, I'm taking my turn to staff the Farmer's Masrket with Alex; we'll see how good a salesman I am!

Off to bed, good an tired...

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