Tuesday, June 15, 2010

10 million fireflies...

I have never ever seen so many fireflies...

We just walked back in the dark from watching the first half of the Lakers-Celts NBA game 6 at Yakir and Netz's house, and there were more "flashbulbs" going off in the forest than there were at the Staples Center in LA! It's so incredibly beautiful and peaceful here-- can't wait to show Lys and the boys-- just 2 more days!

Okay, speaking of Elyssa-- dear-- I will never ever complain again about what a pain it is to weed the little garden we've got growing in our front yard. You graciously have done that work for years, never complaining. Well, I now have some perspective. Over the last 2 days, I have single-handedly weeded 500 tomato plants, and no, that's not an exaggeration. My favorite new gardening tool is an oscillating hoe:

Me and my hoe (also called a saddle hoe) have gotten to be good friends. (Hey, no jokes, please-- this is serious business!)

It was very rewarding work; it'd be even more rewarding if I didn't already know that by next week, there'll be weeds again, but, such is life...

Had an interesting talk with a forest ecologist today... He took us on a walk around the loop trail popinting out amazing things.

It seems that each expert we speak to makes the concept of sustainability so much more nuanced and complex... Kayam is doing great things with organic farming, but it still uses tons of water (instead of using  water collected when it rains). It's doing incredible stuff with its production, but it's still not doing permaculture, instead relying on the basic style of farming used in most places in the country.

I am determined not to make the perfect the enemy of the good, as Voltaire wrote. Kayam is an amazing place, period, and it represents a growing community of folks concerned about sustainability. AND, I have many more questions to ask. Like everything else I learn in my life, I suppose, the more I know, the more I realize how much much more there is to learn...

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