Monday, June 20, 2011

One Week Down...

So far, I've planted tomatoes, cucumbers, fennel, and musk melon. I've weed whacked vetch (a cover crop) to make way for corn (ironic, based on last year's experience of weed-whacking a failed corn crop!).I've harvested peas, beets, lettuce, and strawberries. I've weeded flowers, onions, potatoes, and nearly every other crop in the field.

I'm also on goat- and chicken-feeding/watering duty this week, and Eitan tells me that I'll have a chance to milk the goat before I go.

It's been a wonderful six days on the farm, with six more to go. Shabbat was glorious-- stayed up with the gang until two a.m., slept till 11 a.m., went for a walk for an hour and a half, then slept for two more hours! I think I was a student at the UW the last time I had a Shabbat like that... This place has just become one of the very special places in my life; I hope that I can make time to come here every summer, and perhaps a couple of other times in between summers.

It's also been extra special since two people I met last summer, who started dating last summer, got engaged on the farm on Thursday night. We toasted more than a few "l'chaims" to them, which probably helped in the quality of sleep Friday night!

The work has been hard but so good; the study has been intense and rewarding. The community of folks here this year are much more laid back in every way than the folks last summer, much as I loved them. That's made for more laid back discussions on religion, more laid back eating/shopping/cooking, just a less intense and confrontational atmosphere.

Hard to believe that in 10 days we leave for Jerusalem-- on the one hand, I can hardly wait; on the other hand, I know that part of me won't be ready to leave Kayam Farm. If I have to leave here for somewhere else, Jerusalem is a prtty good substitute!

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